Bedrock Geosciences is a multidisciplinary consultancy which specialises in the field of radioactive waste management and geological sciences


Services > Documentation support


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In Bedrock Geosciences, wide experience has been built up over the years in documentation support in many areas relating to waste management and geosciences, from essentially technical topics to areas such as public confidence-building and communication. Language services are also closely linked with information management and quality assurance.

In particular, assistance can be provided in the following areas:

  1. Documentation of meetings/workshops
  2. Preparation of papers and technical reports
  3. Production of English language websites, videos, DVDs, etc.
  4. Preparation of newsletters, brochures, periodicals, PR documentation, etc.
  5. Provision of guidelines for preparing documentation in English
  6. Proof-reading of conference papers/presentations in English
  7. Proof-reading of reports translated into English
  8. Language support – English↔German, English↔French, English↔Japanese translations